Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I am about to get em !

So these idiots think I'm "acting" crazy, I AM CRAZY ! They also think I am stupid, yea okay I know the King and Polonius are behind the mirrors. So I'll give them a show. I started babbling about dying and sleeping, then Ophelia shows up. This girl....she is not honest, but I did love her once. Now she can go to a whore house for all I care. She was setting me up ! I ran around the room looking for her father and the King. They were in there, I'm sure of it. It is almost time for the play ! I even told Horatio to watch the King's reaction during the play. My dear friend Horatio I love that guy ! Anyway onto the play, we were all there waiting for the play and don't judge me but I just snapped okay ! I was just excited about this plan I had, did not mean to embarrass Ophelia in front of everyone, nor my mother, but we can all say they are annoying right ? Well the play is going well, wait my favorite part is coming up...damn he poisoned the King. I couldn't even finish the play. Just like I thought the King stopped the play in shock. It got to him ! that means he killed my father right ? Horatio says he looked very guilty watching the play, I got him ! Now my mother wants to speak with me, as we are talking she pissed me off and I just shoved her to the wall and she screams for help. I heard somebody else screaming for help too. I swear I thought it was Claudius, I went through the curtains and started stabbing this man. Damn me ! It was not Claudius, it was Polonius ! Can you believe it, but to be honest I still don't care. I know I did wrong but remember I'm crazy.

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